1 Repairing Engine Safey Bar on '85 K100RT Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:55 am
Life time member
When I purchaced my current bike the left side looked like this:
As an unassuming buyer I didn't notice the bar was a bit wobbly, but later removed bars on both sides of the bike until they could be properly fitted.
After getting the lower farings off it was discovered the upper mounting stud on the left side of the engine had been sheered off (left/right):
Judging from corrosion on the right-hand stud it appears the stud on the left had been so weakened when the bike fell over it just snapped.
Most unusually, the support arm was later cut off and the remaining bar jerry-rigged in place. I say unusual, because in most cases the bars are simply discarded and roundles installed over the holes in the faring:
Just my lucky day as replacement bars are quite pricy, and I'm inclinded to fabricate another support bar and weld it in place of the old!
Last edited by AJ.Valente on Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:57 am; edited 10 times in total