First time posting, Hi.
You're concerned because the 3 tangs holding the cap are really inflexible and the caps on there real tight yes?
I concenrated on just one tang and was able to lever the cap free on this one side. It's still really stuck fast on there at this stage.
Then I figure the laws of physics were on my side (try tearing a piece of paper in two places at the same time) and worst case scenario is I snap one of the other two tangs off and I already know it holds with 2 tangs. So sliding a bar longwise on the other side (under the chrome washer) and leaning on it produced a pop followed by an "omg where on earth did that go?" moment.
All tangs intact and to refit just pushed really hard til it popped back on. I was able to reproduce this on the spare I had (wearing goggles this time!)
I may be just lucky (twice) but I can warn you if you do try the same, you may bend the chrome/tin washer in the process (one did, one didn't). You may also of course, completely wreck your cap.
The gasket set I had doesn't contain the cap if that helps.