my apologies Rick , what you have is totally unexpected. however for a novice even easier to construct than mine as there is no bending of rod at the ball.
On a recent visit to K75cster's for a coffee, we compared towbars.
not much variance between these two .
the hardest part of making these are bending the solid 1" rod to a suitable shape where the ball is located.
a decent hydraulic press would be required. the side rods are not all that hard to do with some good well positioned leverage.
some welding for these is required also.
I am fairly certain the bottom one ( Kieth's ) is made by Classic Industries,
mine (on the bike)Purchased from Rendrag is also as far as I know , Damo may correct me.
due to the ABS modules being in the way , I have mounted the towbar further back .
the rod on the left side when mounted correctly , is bolted to the frame at the gearbox.
this is not currently the case for mine.
also the line of push /pull on the towbar needs to be levelled out more.
the pic below is courtesy of Rendrag ( Ebay ) ,
Markzz , you may also want to look into some ideas on how to do the necessary
this may help you along the way.
the addition of a towbar and trailer has now brought new options to the motorcycling experience . a big like
from me.
hope you have luck with it.
If you need something to fit muliple bikes,
I can see benefits from Ricks design , in the way of multiple adaptors at the gearbox end of the frames.simply change the adaptor for each bike design, but use the same towball frame.
otherwise make your towbar bike specific like these ones.