this weekend i decided to replace the temp and fuel guages ....and the inner liner of the fairing that houses them,,, mine had been damaged durring the fall and the fairing split incident .
i already had the liner but undrilled for the instruments ,,,,no worries ...out with the hole saw and a nice cut presented them with a snugg fit to the mount...
cool..... i can now monitor the temp as i travel ...(besides having my multimeter and remote temp sensor strapped to the inside of the fairing ....(dont laugh too loud please ...keep it to a dull roar) but i will still need it for some other testing ....hmm where to put it .
i still hadnt researched the tank connection failure properly and after some screwing around and some probing ...found the real main issue fo r a lot of my issues about fuel supply ....the indicator was the fuel guage , as i couldnt get it to operate at all....dang blast ... has that rotten wire come back to haunt me ?
a carefull inspection of the plug and socket (female ) showed that there seemed to be a difference between connector sizes ..... i wonder if there are different connections for different models as the male connector (plug) has 2.1mm pins (approx) and the female socket has what looks like 2.7 .. sockets .....has anybody seen this before ?
i ask because i know the tank has been resprayed and there is a "stayintune" muffler on the bike,,,l these things lead me to think that the old beast had been in a reasonably heavy "landing " at some earlier stage of her life ....(besides the bent front axle etc )
in any case i had thought earlier that i had an issue with the positive cable feed after the fuel pump siezure issue a little while ago .
i could wiggle the male pin on the positive wire and onnection to the pump was intermittent histoy tells me that it was some form of wire high resitance .....but after noting the difference in connector sizes ...things now seem more evident.
i have crushed the socket connections untill i can find a suitable plug socket combination as a replacement .
magically the fuel guage works and the fuel pump is humming away .
whist playing around i stepped the tps back a bit so as to be "non effective " what a joy the beast is now .......even backoff from speed down through gears ...popping seems less of an issue ....i think ima have to go and find some twistys to really test it out .
have fun folks ....good riding to you all !!!!
thanks ajs and everybody ....that was good advice