So I actually needed 2 diodes. I read that Inge's text badly. For some reason I however bought two of them, so I got it working! After only one fuse popping.. Hard work still, because the first set of indicators were not 21W as I was told, but 2.0W. So they did not work at all. I did get my money back (or atleast I can buy something with that sum of money from that store), but had to get indicators elsewhere. Could not find round ones, but these are like ellipt (?) or something. And they are BRIGHT. And they blink like they should. And I do have a working indicator light also in my instrument panel.
So thanks again all. I could not have done this without your support.
One lucky strike also happened. Found the original wire that comes from the horn button to the horn! Thanks to Haynes mainly. So installing horn after that was a piece of a cake. Works too. So I'm ready for the road! Unfortunatetly the roads are not quite ready for me yet. (-6 celsius, snow, ice.) Only problem left is tailbrake. It should be OK, it has some new stuff in it (dont know better), but it does not work. I will try to pump air out of the system, but if that doesn't work, don't know what next.