First thank you to Jay and AJ Puentes for their help getting me parts, and thanks for the help with soldering. Just like soldering copper plumbing, clean, flux, heat and dab solder. My only regret is that I didn't buck up and buy a good soldering gun, I bought a wand, which worked fine. But I like to get a fast heating pistol type, so I may go that route moving forward.
1985 K100RS mirror pod has been knocked off one too many times. On my first ride about Saturday, I had to put my soldering to the test three times. I took it off, stuffed the pod in my shirt, lifted the manhole cover climbed into the sewer to retreive my clips from 6" opaque and smelly water (the last phrase didn't actually happen, but it might as well had), and drove home. The posts were bent (ever so slightly), and those clips are devils, DEVILS. So using the geometry theorems and postulates I decided to make sure that the center to center dimenions of the posts (can be changed by bending), matched the center to center dimensions of the cups. I used my "Executive Pocket Pal" Machinist scale to verify and modify those dimensions before hand. I moved the posts with my mallet to the right dimension.
Last night I cleaned and reloaded those Devil clips, with my pin nosed pliers. I squeezed them tighter, and made sure that the grip teeth were ever-so-slightly incurved (shark teeth come to mind) so that when they bite the head of the pins (frenum comes to mind:|) there is some aggression and no passivity.
Then I loaded each Devil Clip with a fair dollup of Silicone, underneath and on the open side of each cup, being careful not to get any one the face of the cup or on the protruding clip teeth. This allows the clips to function, but without falling off. I suspect that after previous hits and popoffs and reinstall that it may be typical and infuriating that subsequent re-installs may pose similar symptoms. So this work brings the reinstallation back to near (90%)OEM conditions.
Finally, I laid a thin bead of clear silicone along the joint of the gasket and the fairing. I only did the forward third of the lower and the entire top edge (thinking of weather and, water drain, airing out, and removal , I did not silicone the aft lower or aft vertical seam.) I believe that if it gets hit it will break the silicone without damage, yet give vibration resistance to the pod. Took it for a Chicago street test run and Voila! Exito! Ausgeseigtnet! Thanks again the guidance and support here is un-equalled.
Uncle Jim