1 Injector Cleaner and actuater voltage Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:25 am
Life time member
hi all just cant seem to find a story on how much power it takes to open the injectors, I am making a tool to fuel the injectors with 30psi or there abouts and need to know what wattage the injectors can use to fire. mine are I think just gummed up from sitting with wasted fuel in them so need to run some fuel cleaner in there to unclog them but figured it better to trigger the injectors a couple of times to help things along. I thought it was say 15years ago that the US site was doing it to unclog them but cant seem to find the thread, it was something like 12v and a 55 watt bulb inseries and fire the injector with a say horn button. eithewr that or a tail light bulb or maybe tail and brake together, bugger not remembering such a signifficant bit of info. I bought a MBTX30U mottobatt battery (30ah) the other day 10mm higher and 10mm shorter across but full fit for and aft, so have plenty of go to fire the bike but no fuel getting past the injectors also when pulling the plugs found no plug caps and plenty of corrosion so spent last weekend cleanong the plug caps have the autosol to finish the job now but the new plugs I bought 6-7years ago have no caps either so have used 1.4mm solid core copper wire to fake a plug cap they work fine and I hope for the time being will not melt in there when I fire it up. I mean I've dealt with 12volts and up to 48volts but nothing higher or anything like the spark in the coils. we used to use 6 or 7 strand solid core wires wound together as plug leads for the old fergie years ago but this is just 1 strand here's hoping nothing comes of it. So any takers on how much power I can run into an injector to play with it??????? I have an old falcon battery that wont wind the bike over maybe its soft enough to not hurt the injectors????
regards Keith
regards Keith
Keith - 1987 K75c with r100rt replica fairing and half of a 1984 K100rt 1992 K1100LT a blue one
The Clever are adept at extricating themselves from situations that the wise would have avoided from the outset - QUOTE from david Hillel in Out of the Earth.