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1Back to top Go down   Steering Locks Empty Steering Locks Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:42 am


Life time member
Life time member
"Steering Lock" defined. It is that lock on the left side steering tube that when working properly will lock the forks. Used as a theft deterrent.

Ok, I do acknowledge that  1) because of placement is difficult to use on some models  2.) Can easily be broken simply by whipping the handle bars back and forth {this was told to me} 3.) gets in the way.

Still I am trying to get the bike all together with all the locks working and that requires that I pull this lock and work it. So is the lock cylinder held in place simply by the cover? The plastic cover is held on by one pin which I am told is removed with a chisel or other sharp instrument and then pulled after the cover is pulled off. A sharp set of pliers was mentioned.  But once the cover is removed does the cylinder/tumbler just pull out or do you have to have the appropriate key and then rotate it?

So the question is will the tumbler/cylinder pull out without the key or missing the key do you need to drill the tumbler/cylinder out? Inquiring minds and all that!


2Back to top Go down   Steering Locks Empty Re: Steering Locks Tue Aug 27, 2024 4:31 am


Life time member
Life time member
I was warned that they have a tendency to fail either in the unlocked or locked position. You do not want it to fail in the locked position. I haven't used mine in  20 + years and use a brake disc lock with a built in alarm. The disc lock won't fit the front disc and I have to use it on the rear with two of the coiled wire warning devices.
Regards Martin.

1992 K75s

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