Yeah, sometimes it's just easier to point to the solution and let the reader discover the resource once they enter it. I use even at work when the ETK (Electronik Teile Katalog) is updating and such.
That bike was a project '96 R1100RS that I cobbled together from a wrecked R1100GS and another R1100RS. It was so stripped down that 40 kilos were removed from it and I did track days, daily commuting and a bit of credit card touring on it too. The tank looks funny because the R1100RS models have a great big bloody fairing panel that usually covered the left hand side's under tank hideousness. I let it all hang out! A Honda Civic driver yacking on his mobile hit me almost head on and split that poor ol' girl's engine cases and sent me over the 'bars and under a parked 5 series Bimmer. I remember being airborne, tucking and rolling and thinking "this is the one where you die". But I survived to this day. Hot motor oil runs like hot blood across the pavement.
The bike had been a wreck so I cut and removed and had only what was necessary to make it run and keep it legal on the roads of Oregon, where I was living at the time. The suspension was raised (R1100GS shocks, front and rear), the frame cut off at the back, a solo seat used, a very LOUD exhaust can with no catalyst, a shorter GS torque arm tightened up the wheelbase slightly, a 9" Suzuki headlight blazed the night, with R1100S clip-on 'bars, and the airbox and ABS brain were jettisoned and oiled-foam air filters were sleeved to the intake snouts, A Techlusion R259 controller kept everything rich, and early, 10-fin cylinder heads with larger valves helped it to breath. Later models used 9 fins with smaller intake and exhaust valves to help stop the lean stumble the early Oilheads were infamous for. She was a goer, as much as she could be, because she lost a lot of flab and some underlying potential was realised.