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1Back to top Go down   More speedo woes Empty More speedo woes Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:39 pm


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Gentlemen, and Ladies of course

I have a K1100LT SE, 1995 47,500 miles and I have no reason not to trust the accuracy of those miles.

The speedo appears to be gradually losing it. At first it would stop at 60mph and then crawl higher slowly, now it appears to stop at 40. The odometer seems to be correct.

I've read a lot of posts here regarding tails of woe​, but none seem to cover exactly this problem. I have removed the sender and cleaned it. Done the soldering iron trick next to the sender with it still in situ and the speedo read 40. Today it struggled to get past 30.

If I multimeter the connecting plug behind the RH battery panel, what should I get, full continuity  or an ohms reading? I really don't fancy taking the front fairing off to get to the back of the speedo but if I have to, so be it.

Motorworks want £48 for a used one or £99 new but I am loath to purchase either without having a reasonable chance of it curing my problem.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.



2Back to top Go down   More speedo woes Empty Re: More speedo woes Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:46 pm


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Life time member

This might be a mechanical problem.  I'm thinking it might be a loose needle on the servo motor rotor, or maybe the servo motor inside the cluster is failing.  Open the cluster and see whether the needle is secured to the rotor.  Fix it if not.

If the needle is not the problem then to confirm whether the speedo servo motor is failing will require an oscilloscope and knowledge about the UAF0115 driver that operates that motor.  It might be necessary to replace the cluster.

1987 K75

3Back to top Go down   More speedo woes Empty Speedo woes Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:08 pm


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Life time member
If the k1100rt is like the k100 RT, and it seems to be, you don't have to remove the fairing to remove the cluster, as unlikely as that seems. 

I've had your symptoms, I don't remember about the odo part tho. in my case there were three pins on the right hand side, in the cluster, fed by a ribbon from the left side, they were rusty. If yours are, you want to clean them with deoxit and the sockets, and maybe even give them a slight twist for a tighter fit. I'm not good with electrical stuff but if that's your problem it's a very simple fix.

11/1985 BMW K100RT (late model)  Vin. 0090567
 ~120,000 km

4Back to top Go down   More speedo woes Empty Re: More speedo woes Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:24 pm

Rick G

Rick G
If the k1100rt is like the k100 RT  It's not it is attached to the fairing mounting antler.
This sounds to me as if the problem is internal to the cluster and not the sensor.

"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."   Dalai Lama

Bikes 1999 K1100 LT with a Big Block 1200

5Back to top Go down   More speedo woes Empty Re: More speedo woes Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:58 am


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New member
Thanks for the help. I'll get into the cluster and let you know how it goes, but it won't be for a few days as we have guests staying so the bike will have to take a back seat.


6Back to top Go down   More speedo woes Empty Speedo woe Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:15 am


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Life time member
How's about trying to interest the guests in taking a back seat ride on the bike. If you work your magic on them, they might even take an new interest in instrument clusters.

11/1985 BMW K100RT (late model)  Vin. 0090567
 ~120,000 km

7Back to top Go down   More speedo woes Empty Re: More speedo woes Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:23 am


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Not a bad idea davyson but they are just not the type.

1995 K1100LT SE 0232984

8Back to top Go down   More speedo woes Empty Re: More speedo woes Wed Jul 13, 2022 4:50 pm


Life time member
Life time member
I had a problem where the speedometer face was expanding in the heat and hitting the needle causing it to stick. Only happened when sun was shining. Normally not a common occurrence in Ireland (the sun) but showed up when I went touring. I fixed it by sticking the face down.

More speedo woes Ir-log10

 ;BMW; K1 Black 1993 60K Km     ;BMW;  K1100RS Black 1996       ;BMW; K1 Blue 1990 25K Miles

 ;BMW; K1200RS Red

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