1 Fuel pump rebuild... Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:45 pm
active member
the pump had stopped spinning in the tank and the tank was full of gunky not-so-goodness from the almost entirely dissolved damper unit. so I pulled the pump and figured I'd have a look-see instead of just trashing the thing.
I was inspired by this link (from the downloads page of this forum):
anyway, I took it apart without incident and found *some* gunk - but not really all that much. certainly nothing like what was in those pictures. in fact, there was hardly any visible reason I could see why the pump had failed.
I cleaned everything up and put it all back together. the rotor was spinning easily on the shaft and I could rotate the mechanical pump parts without problem when I spun it by hand.
BUT - when I put it back together and tested it by just hooking up some leads I got... a little click and that's it.
no spinning, not even a strong clunk or seized-pump-type-noise.
just a weak little noise and no spin.
what could be the culprit??
I happened to have another bad pump here (i'm starting a collection) and I switched out the top piece, figuring maybe it's the brushes but I got the same result.
I suppose the brushes could be bad on both...
any ideas? I'm confused by this turn of events.