1 Drive Shaft spline replacement in the land of OZ. Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:51 pm
Life time member
I will probably have to replace my drive shaft splines in the near future. In the US you have Bruno in the UK you can get replacement splines from Motobins. So has anybody had their splines replaced in OZ, preferably around Brisbane but anywhere in OZ. If you have had it done are you happy with it? I have been thinking of getting the replacement splines from Motobins, but I am unsure of who to get to weld in the replacement. And another question how do they weld in the new splines without damaging the rubber damper in the shaft. Due to the fact I will suffer withdrawal, does anybody local have a spare shaft with shot rear splines but good front splines that they are willing to sell.
Regards Martin.
Regards Martin.
1992 K75s