Welcome Galvanic,
The Knuthaus is frequented by all manner of oddities, but mostly those with a interest in / passion for K bikes and/or Kpox rather than just parts alone. Still, it takes all sorts!
It's never too late to become a bike guy (or gal), if you buy enough parts all assembled together (sometimes called K100RS/K100RT/K100LT etc.) you are nearly there.Then just add a few thousand kilometres of unbridle enjoyment riding her and a few hundred hours of separating all those parts to see why they were working and seeing if you can make them work even better and/or are able to reassemble them, hey presto, job done!
If biking is really not your thing, well, it takes all sorts and it will be interesting to know what your scheme is - we have had K powered hovercraft enthusiasts (dare I say it) hovering about the forum pages in the past.